Photo of Lazaro Hurtado Argentina

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The images you see are the working mechanics of a brain on a mind made world...

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2019, Premios a la Creación Artistica Universidad de Belgrano 27° Edición
  • 2018, The 2018 Art Exposition Beijing. China
  • 2018, Artplu an Artron Art Auction: Western Modern & Contemporary Art. China
  • 2017, Shenzhen International Art Fair. China
  • 2017, Secoo 707 Deco Art Festival. China
  • 2017, Artplu & Yidian China Art Auction:Western Contemporary Art Auction. China
  • 2017, Art Nanjing- Baijiahu Art Mansion. China
  • 2017, Art revolution Taipei 2017. Taiwan
  • 2017, Get Art Museum Taipei, Taiwan
  • 2016, 22º SALON PALERMO VIEJO Central Newbery Galería Arte
  • 2016, EGGO Feria de arte 2016 Buenos Aires CABA
  • 2016, THOUGHTS Imagen y Sonido Hong Kong JCCAC
  • 2016, OUT OF GALLERY Hilton Hotel. Nanjing City China
  • 2016, ART SUNNING PLAZA China
  • 2016, PENSAMIENTOS ILUSTRADOS Escuela Freaud Lacan . La Plata Buenos Aires
  • 2015, Premio a la Creación Artística Universidad de Belgrano Buenos Aires
  • 2015, _ Ar(t)gentina and Friends CASTELLO DI COAZZOLO (AT) Piemonte Italia
  • 2015, Ar(t)gentina and Friends PINACOTECA CIVICA CAMO – MUSEO di CAMO Piemonte Italia
  • 2015, Ar(t)gentina and Friends Badnight Café Temporary Home Art Gallery Italia
  • 2015, “Pensamientos ilustrados” Instituto de Capacitación Política. La Plata . Argentina
  • 2015, Museum of Contemporary Art, Artplu Shanghái, China
  • 2015, \'Art on the Clouds\', The Blue Skyline, Camphorwood, Wuxi City, China.Host by Artplu & Art Bank Asia
  • 2015, VIDEO KILLED THE ART STAR #2 . Spazio Arte 24, Via Corte 24, Dogliani .Italia
  • 2015, Tokyo International Art Fair Quest Hall – Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. Japon
  • 2015, Art Revolution Taipei 2015 . Taipei ,Taiwan
  • 2015, Arte La Plata Feria de Arte contemporáneo stand unipersonal . Bs. As. Argentina
  • 2015, il colori latini nell\'arte contemporanea MONDOVÌ PIAZZA . MONDOVÌ, ITALIA
  • 2014, 1er Salón Municipal de Ilustración. La Plata. Argentina
  • 2014, 160 Aniversario Bolsa de comercio de Buenos Aires. Ciudad autonoma Bs. As. Argentina
  • 2014, Volverse Conciencia Centro Cultural Islas Malvinas La Plata Bs.As. Argentina
  • 2014, That Damned Show Detroit . Estados Unidos

Awards received

  • 2019, Bio-Art Contest Premio Excelencia . Seoul, South korea
  • 2017, FINALISTA Art revolution Taipei 2017. Taiwan
  • 2016, SELECCIONADO 22º Salon Pintura Palermo viejo
  • 2015, SELECCIONADO Premio a la Creación Artística Universidad de Belgrano Buenos Aires
  • 2015, FINALISTA Art Revolution Taipei 2015 International Artist Grand Prize Competition
  • 2014, SELECCIONADO 160 º Aniversario Bolsa de comercio de Buenos Aires

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  • Verified artists profiles Trusted Artist
  • Artelista collects the work in the artist's workshop after validating that everything is correct and takes it directly to your home. We insure the work during shipment with Allianz Seguros ™
  • A secure platform: The artist does not receive the money until you confirm that everything is fine
  • If when you receive the picture does not convince you, we will pick it up for free and we will refund your money
  • Works with certificate of authenticity
  • Telephone support

How do I make the payment?

  • Payments are made online, through Artelista's secure system. Click on the "Add to cart" button and select the payment method you prefer.
  • Shipping costs covered by Artelista
See everything we offer you!
19.69 x 27.56 in
19.69 x 27.56 in
19.69 x 13.78 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
19.69 x 27.56 in
19.69 x 13.78 in
19.69 x 27.56 in
13.78 x 19.69 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
See all the artworks

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Photo of Lazaro Hurtado Argentina

Lázaro Hurtado is an argentinian artist currently living in Buenos Aires, Argentina, were he works .Graduate Fine arts ? Bachillerato de Bellas Artes ? affiliated National University of La Plata.
He states than more than an artist, he is a thinker.His work born from the necesity of expressing thoughts and conceptions of the World that surrounds him.
The images he offers us project humanistic messages, the nature of mankind, the possible and the ridiculous. He makes comments about reality and the social forces and orders, but at the same time he demostrates a playful face, ironic in some cases.
The transcription of inner alchemies into paintings of surrealist character wakes a curiosity in the viewer. The spectators would often find themselves been tickle by the ideas and concepts on reality and human behaviour that he seems to contemplate and rebuilt on his mind. The images you see are the working mechanics of a brain on a mind made world...

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